Misha Verbitsky
Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Hyperkähler manifolds
13:30-15:00, Mondays, 17:00-18:30 Fridays, Sala 236, January-February 2023
Lecture 1:
Holonomy (March 13).
Lecture 2:
Levi-Civita connection (March 17).
Lecture 3:
Frobenius theorem (March 20).
Lecture 4:
Riemann-Hilbert correspondence (March 24).
Lecture 5:
de Rham theorem about decomposition of holonomy (March 27).
Lecture 6:
Berger list of irreducible holonomy groups (March 31).
Lecture 7:
Hyperkahler manifolds (April 3).
Lecture 8:
Bogomolov decomposition theorem (April 7).
Lecture 9:
Clifford algebras (April 10).
Lecture 10:
Spin structures (April 14).
Lecture 11:
Dirac operator (April 17).
Lecture 12:
Bochner vanishing (April 21).
Lecture 13:
Symplectic reduction (April 24, April 27).
Lecture 14:
Geometric invariant theory (May 1)
Lecture 15:
Hyperkahler reduction (May 5)
Lecture 16:
Complex subvarieties and the proof of Newlander-Nirenberg (May 8)
Lecture 17:
Trianalytic subvarieties (May 8)
Lecture 18:
Twistor spaces and equivariant bundles (May 12, May 15)
Lecture 19:
Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence (May 18)
Lecture 20:
Yang-Mills connections (May 22)
Lecture 21:
Hyperholomorphic bundles (May 26)
Lecture 22:
Hodge theory and supersymmetry on hyperkahler manifolds (May 29)
Lecture 23:
The period map and the BBF form (June 23)
Lecture 24:
The Fujiki formula and its applications (June 26)
Lecture 25:
Lie algebra acting on cohomology (June 30)
Assignment 1:
Kähler structures (March 13).
Assignment 2:
Holonomy and torsion (March 20).
Assignment 3:
Riemannian holonomy (March 27).
Assignment 4:
Quaternionic Hermitian structures (April 3).
Assignment 5:
Calabi-Yau manifolds and invariants theory (April 10).
Assignment 6:
Clifford algebras (April 17).
Assignment 7:
Symplectic reduction (April 24).
Assignment 8:
Geometric invariant theory (May 1).
Assignment 9:
Moore and Dieudonne determinants (May 8).
Assignment 10:
Calibrations and Wirtenger's inequality (May 15).
Assignment 11:
Holomorphic vector bundles (May 22).
Assignment 12:
Hodge theory and supersymmetry (May 29).
Assignment 13:
Verma modules (June 5).
Assignment 14:
Hodge structures (June 12).
Class assignments results
Exam problems
Personal problem sets
, obtained randomly with
this program.
Final results (pending)
Misha Verbitsky