Complex surfaces. Complex surfaces are compact complex manifolds of dimension 2. Their classification was given by Kodaira in 1960-ies, in a series of difficult papers. The key results of Kodaira's classification were improved by Buchdahl and Lamari in the 1990-ies, who used the advances in pluripotential theory, obtained by Demailly, Nadel and Siu. Now the Kodaira's immense oeuvre can be presented in a more compact (and more consistent) way. I will start with the proof of Gauduchon theorem, constructing a special metric in a conformal class of a Hermitian form on any compact complex manifold. Then I will introduce the currents, and proceed to Buchdahl-Lamari theorem, claiming that any complex surface with even $b_1$ is Kahler. If time permits, I will use Buchdahl-Lamari results to prove the Kahler version of Nakai-Moishezon theorem, and finish with the structure theorem for non-Kahler elliptic surfaces. I would assume the basic knowledge of Hodge theory and elliptic equations, but I will state all relevant definitions and results and explain their context. Program: 1. Hopf maximum principle 2. Gauduchon's theorem on existence and uniqueness of Gauduchon metric 3. Some notions of theory of topological vector spaces: Frechet spaces, Montel spaces, strong and weak duality, reflexive spaces. Space of currents and its reflexivity. 4. Positive currents, Lelong numbers, Demailly's regularization theorem. 5. Hodge decomposition on non-Kahler surfaces, Harvey-Lawson-Sullivan duality criteria for existence of special metrics on complex manifolds, Buchdahl-Lamari theorem. 6. (*) Kahler version of Nakai-Moishezon theorem: description of the Kahler cone. 7. (*) Classification of non-Kahler surfaces and the structure theorem for non-Kahler elliptic fibrations. The site of the course is