#!/usr/bin/perl -w # create-indexes2.pl - Creating thumbnail indices # for picture galleries version 2.0 (August 2001) # written by M. Verbitsky # The first version was completed in October 1999 # Together with create-thumbnails.pl it produced # a basic images gallery from an hierarchy of # image directories # The new version works to the same purpose # Changes: # 1. create-indexes.pl gave the total size of each directory, in Kb. # Now it gives also the number of files in the hierarchy # 2. The files .header, .footer are used as a header # and a footer of each directory (the syntax is plain). # If some subdirectory contains its own # .header or .footer, it is added to the # global .header and .footer for the whole # hierarchy of subdirectories. In version 1 # header and footer were determined globally # as variables - not as flexible # 3. If a directory contains a file .dirpic, its entry in # the index file is illustrated with the corresponding picture. # Version 2.1: April 2003. Added support for .name files from # indexes-nemirov.pl # Set variables $MAX_IND=15; # po skol'ku kartinok v odnom indekse? # $ROWS=4; $COLUMNS=3; #struktura indeksov $DIRECTORIES_COLS=3; #skol'ko direktorij v strochke shapki $PREFIX="000thu-"; # slovo, s kotorogo nachinayutsya thumbnail-y # LANGUAGE $SUBDIRS_ARE_CALLED = "Directories:"; $GALLERIES_ARE_CALLED = "Galleries:
"; # galleries: #nachalo i konec indeksov vyneseny v otdelnye fajly! # MAIN () BEGINS HERE my $num_args = 0; $num_args = @ARGV; if ($num_args==0) { print "\n usage: create-indexes2.pl [directory]\n"; exit; } # Determine .tmpheader, .tmpfooter, .tmpnumber # in each directory - files with header, # footer and the number of files # (added in version 2.0) determine_header("$ARGV[0]/"); determine_footer("$ARGV[0]/"); determine_tmpnumber("$ARGV[0]/"); @dir_list=glob("$ARGV[0]/ $ARGV[0]/*\/ $ARGV[0]/*/*\/ $ARGV[0]/*/*/*\/ $ARGV[0]/*/*/*/*\/ $ARGV[0]/*/*/*/*/*\/ $ARGV[0]/*/*/*/*/*/*\/ $ARGV[0]/*/*/*/*/*/*/*\/ $ARGV[0]/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*\/"); foreach $dir (@dir_list) { open(HDR, "< $dir/.tmpheader") || die "couldn't open $dir/.tmpheader"; @BEGINNING_list = ; close(HDR); $BEGINNING = join(" ", @BEGINNING_list); open(FTR, "< $dir/.tmpfooter") || die "couldn't open $dir/.tmpfooter"; ; @ENDING_list = ; close(FTR); $ENDING = join(" ", @ENDING_list); #chistim za soboj foreach (<$dir/index*>) { unlink || die "having trouble deleting $_: $!"; print "deleting $_\n"; } @all_listing = glob("$dir*"); # sozdaem shapku @directory_listing=(); foreach $directory (@all_listing) { if (-d $directory) { push (@directory_listing, $directory); } } # delaem prostuyu zagotovku shapki @shapka=(); $numdirs=0; foreach $directory (@directory_listing) { $numdirs++; # opredelyaem razmer system("du -s $directory > tode"); open (DU, "tode") || die ("couldn't open tode"); $size=; $size=~ /(^\S*)/; $size =$1; close(DU); unlink("tode") || die "having trouble deleting tode: $!"; # opredelili razmer # A nuzhno li ehto? Poka ostavlyu... # determining number of pics in all subdirectories # (via .tmpnumber files) open (TMPNUMBER, "< $directory/.tmpnumber") || die "couldn't open $directory/.tmpnumber!\n"; my @tmpn_contents = ; close (TMPNUMBER); my $numpics_dir = $tmpn_contents[0]; # finding .dirpic my $dirpic = ""; if (-r "$directory/.dirpic") { open(DIRPIC, "< $directory/.dirpic"); my @dirpic_contents = ; close(DIRPIC); $dirpic = "$dirpic_contents[0]"; # adding 000thu- before the filename - takes 2 regexp replaces # if there are "/" in dirpic if ( $dirpic =~ /\//) { my $dirpic_file = $dirpic; $dirpic_file =~ s/.*\///; # filename my @path = split (/\//, $dirpic); pop(@path); my $dirpic_path = join("/",@path); # the path to the picture $dirpic = "$dirpic_path/000thu-$dirpic_file"; } else { $dirpic ="000thu-$dirpic"; } } # finding NAME of a subdirectory my @NAME =(); if (-r "$directory/.name") { open(TITLEDIR, "< $directory/.name"); @NAME = ; close(TITLEDIR); } else { $directory=~ s/[\.\/]*//; @NAME = ("$directory"); } # directory parameters are determined $directory=~ s/.*\///; # ubiraem path, # predshestvuyushchij nazvaniyu if ($dirpic ne "") { $dirpic="\\"; } @shapka = (@shapka, "\\ \ $dirpic", @NAME, "\\ $numpics_dir pics, $size Kb \\ "); # For a subdirectory with a number divisible by # DIRECTORIES_COLS we add an extre linebreak $numdirs_modulo = $numdirs % $DIRECTORIES_COLS; if ($numdirs_modulo == 0) { push (@shapka, "\\"); } } # dobavlyaem v shapku tablicu subdirektorij, esli oni sushchestvuyut if (defined($shapka[0])) { unshift(@shapka, "\ $SUBDIRS_ARE_CALLED \ \
\ "); push (@shapka, "\\"); } # finding NAME of a directory my @NAME; if (-r "$dir/.name") { open(TITLEDIR, "< $dir/.name"); @NAME = ; close(TITLEDIR); } else { my $dirtitle = $dir; $dirtitle=~ s/^[\.\/]*//; $dirtitle=~s/[\.\/]*$//; # clean ../, ./ and so on @NAME = ("$dirtitle"); } @shapka = ( $BEGINNING, "\", @NAME, "\ ", @shapka); # shapka gotova #teper' udalyaem iz spiska imena direktorij #i vse, chto nachinaetsya na prefiks # s cel'yu poluchit' spisok fajlov dlya indeksa @file_listing=(); foreach $file (@all_listing) { if ((-f $file) and not ($file =~ /$PREFIX/)) { push (@file_listing,$file); # $numfiles=@file_listing; # print "new file listed: $file; file_listing is $numfiles long\n"; } } #creating indices $numfiles=@file_listing; $numindexes =$numfiles/$MAX_IND+1; print " numfiles =$numfiles, numindexes= $numindexes, current dir = $dir\n"; for ($index=1 ; $index<= $numindexes; $index++) { @index_contents =(); for ($i= (($index-1)*$MAX_IND); ($i< $index*($MAX_IND) and ($i < $numfiles)); $i++) { $file= $file_listing[$i]; #print " i = $i"; print " index = $index "; print "file = $file \n"; $file=~ s/.*\///; # ubiraem path, #predshestvuyushchij nazvaniyu fajla push (@index_contents, $file); } @index_html=(); # making rows $numfiles_index= @index_contents; $Rows = $numfiles_index/$COLUMNS; for ($Row =0; $Row < $Rows; $Row++) { push (@index_html, "\
\\n"); for ($column=0; (($column < $COLUMNS) and defined($index_contents[$Row*$COLUMNS+$column])); $column++) { $current=$index_contents[$Row*$COLUMNS+$column]; $Size=(stat("$dir/$current"))[7]/1000; push (@index_html, "\ \ \\ \\ \ $current
$Size Kb \
"); } push (@index_html, "\ \ \n"); } # dobavlyaem linejku s indeksami @indices_bar=(); for ($j=1; $j< $numindexes; $j++) { push (@indices_bar, "|   \\$j\  "); } $indices_bar[$index-1] ="|   \$index   "; push(@indices_bar, " | "); unshift(@indices_bar,"

\$GALLERIES_ARE_CALLED     \"); if ($numfiles>0) { push (@index_html, @indices_bar); unshift (@index_html, @indices_bar); } #esli net kartinok, linejka ne nuzhna # dobavlyaem ENDING push (@index_html, $ENDING); unshift (@index_html, @shapka); # pishem $indexname= "$dir/index" . "$index" . ".html"; open (INDEX, ">$indexname") || die ("couldn't open $indexname"); print INDEX "@index_html " || die ("couldn't write to $indexname"); close (INDEX) || die ("couldn't close $indexname"); } symlink("index1.html" ,"$dir/index.html") || warn "couldn't symlink $dir/index1.html to $dir/index.html"; } # Determine .tmpheader, .tmpfooter, .tmpnumber # in each directory - files with header, # footer and the number of files # (added in version 2.0) sub determine_tmpnumber { my $dir = $_[0]; #the list of subdirectories my @all_listing = glob("$dir/*"); my @directory_listing=(); foreach $directory (@all_listing) { if (-d $directory) { push (@directory_listing, $directory); } } # How many files are there? Not counting .html and 000thu- my $number_of_files=0; foreach $file (@all_listing) { if (( -f $file) && !($file =~/html$/) && !($file =~/000thu-/)) { $number_of_files++;} } # determine the number recursively my $number_of_dirs=@directory_listing; # if no subdirectories, no recursion needed if ($number_of_dirs==0) { open(TMPNUMBER, "> $dir/.tmpnumber") || die ("couldn't open $dir/.tmpnumber: $!\n"); #print "opening $dir/.tmpnumber. 0=number_of_dirs = $number_of_dirs \n"; print TMPNUMBER $number_of_files; close(TMPNUMBER); } else { my $tmpnumber = $number_of_files; foreach $subdir (@directory_listing) { # print " obrabatyvaem $subdir\n"; determine_tmpnumber($subdir); open (TMP_SUBDIR, "< $subdir/.tmpnumber") || die ("couldn't open $subdir/.tmpnumber: $!\n"); $tmp_subdir = ; close(TMP_SUBDIR); $tmpnumber = $tmpnumber + $tmp_subdir; } open(TMPNUMBER, "> $dir/.tmpnumber") || die ("couldn't open $dir/.tmpnumber: $!\n");; #print "opening $dir/.tmpnumber. number_of_dirs = $number_of_dirs \n"; print TMPNUMBER $tmpnumber; close(TMPNUMBER); } } # Using recursion again to go through the directory tree # This is needed for hierarchy of .footer and .header files sub determine_header { my $dir = $_[0]; #the list of subdirectories my @all_listing = glob("$dir/*"); my @directory_listing=(); foreach $directory (@all_listing) { if (-d $directory) { push (@directory_listing, $directory); } } # The list of subdirectories is created. Now creating .tmpheader my @headers = (); if (-r "$dir/../.tmpheader") { open(ABOVEHEADER, "< $dir/../.tmpheader"); @headers = ; close(ABOVEHEADER); } if (-r "$dir/.header") { open(HEADER, "< $dir/.header"); my @this_header =

; close(HEADER); foreach $tmp (@this_header) { push(@headers, $tmp); } } # Writing @headers open(TMPHEADER, ">$dir/.tmpheader") || die ("couldn't open $dir/.tmpheader: $!\n"); print TMPHEADER @headers; close(TMPHEADER); # Recursion foreach $directory (@directory_listing) { determine_header($directory); } } #same with footer - obtained by query-replace # Why? To simplify syntax, that's why. sub determine_footer { my $dir = $_[0]; #the list of subdirectories my @all_listing = glob("$dir/*"); my @directory_listing=(); foreach $directory (@all_listing) { if (-d $directory) { push (@directory_listing, $directory); } } # The list of subdirectories is created. Now creating .tmpfooter my @footers = (); if (-r "$dir/../.tmpfooter") { open(ABOVEFOOTER, "< $dir/../.tmpfooter"); @footers = ; close(ABOVEFOOTER); } if (-r "$dir/.footer") { open(FOOTER, "< $dir/.footer"); my @this_footer =
; close(FOOTER); foreach $tmp (@this_footer) { push(@footers, $tmp); } } # Writing @footers open(TMPFOOTER, ">$dir/.tmpfooter") || die ("couldn't open $dir/.tmpfooter: $!\n"); print TMPFOOTER @footers; close(TMPFOOTER); # Recursion foreach $directory (@directory_listing) { determine_footer($directory); } }