(display-time) (setq inhibit-startup-message t) (setq inhibit-startup-echo-area-message t) ; Suki! Suki! Nenavizhu! ; (inhibit-startup-screen t) ; (standard-display-european t) ;(toggle-enable-multibyte-characters t) ;(setq-default enable-multibyte-characters t) ; (standard-display-8bit 128 255) (blink-cursor-mode nil) ; Ohueli voobshche! ;(setq-default enable-multibyte-characters nil) ; (standard-display-european t) ; Blyadi! ;(standard-display-default 160 255) ;(set-terminal-coding-system nil) (defun fill () "turns on/off autofill" (interactive) (auto-fill-mode)) (global-set-key [insert] (quote fill)) (global-set-key [f11] (quote text-mode)) ;; (global-set-key [delete] (quote delete-char)) (global-set-key [f1] (quote goto-line)) (global-set-key [f2] (quote call-last-kbd-macro)) (global-set-key [f3] (quote load-file)) (global-set-key [f8] 'repeat-complex-command) ;F8 (menu-bar-mode nil) (scroll-bar-mode nil) (tool-bar-mode nil) (defun set-emacs-straight () " loads user's .emacs file " (interactive) (load "~/.emacs")) (global-set-key [f12] 'set-emacs-straight) (if window-system (set-default-font "10x20") ) (setq-default fill-column 58) (setq default-case-fold-search nil) (global-set-key "" 'cyrillic) (global-set-key [f2] 'cyrillic) ; Setting everything to Latin (defvar cyrillic-generally nil) (defvar cyrillic-really nil) (setq cyrillic-generally nil) (setq cyrillic-really nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'cyrillic-really) (make-variable-buffer-local 'cyrillic-generally) (setq set-keyboard-coding-system nil) (set-language-environment "Cyrillic-KOI8") (setq-default set-keyboard-coding-system nil) (setq default-input-method "cyrillic-translit") (defun cyrillic () "Sets the variable cyrillic-generally true, and flips cyrillic-really and input-method" (interactive) (setq cyrillic-generally t) (toggle-input-method) (setq cyrillic-really (not cyrillic-really)) ) (defun less-and-latin () "If cyrillic-generally and cyrillic-really are true, flips cyrillics" (interactive) (write-char ?< (current-buffer)) (if cyrillic-generally (if cyrillic-really (cyrillic))) ) (defun more-and-cyrillic () "If cyrillic-generally is true and cyrillic-really is false, flips cyrillics" (interactive) (write-char ?> (current-buffer)) (if cyrillic-generally (if (not cyrillic-really) (cyrillic)))) (defun dollar-and-switch () (interactive) (write-char ?$ (current-buffer)) (if cyrillic-generally (toggle-input-method))) (defun tags-toggle-cyrillic () "The less sign turns the cyrillic mode off, and the more sign turns it back on (if it was on before the last less sign). To be used in writing Russian HTML files (HTML tags are usually in latin characters)" (interactive) (global-unset-key "<") (global-set-key "<" (quote less-and-latin)) (global-unset-key ">") (global-set-key ">" (quote more-and-cyrillic))) (tags-toggle-cyrillic) (defun dollar-toggle-cyrillic () "Dollar sign switches cyrillics on and off (needed for TeX mode)" (interactive) (global-unset-key "$") (global-set-key "$" (quote dollar-and-switch))) ; (set-selection-coding-system 'compound-text-with-extensions) ;(set-selection-coding-system 'cyrillic-koi8) (set-selection-coding-system 'x-ctext-with-extensions) (global-set-key "" (quote add-url)) (global-set-key [S-kp-insert] (quote add-url)) (defun add-url () (interactive) (search-forward-regexp "\\( \\| \\)") (backward-char) (insert "\">") (search-backward-regexp "\\( \\| \\)")(forward-char) (insert "