Supersymmetry in complex geometry

generalized complex structures, generalized Kahler structures, symplectic and Hermitian structures on complex manifolds

4-9 January 2009, IPMU, Japan

Venue | Schedule | Program | Poster | PDF

Organised by

Toshitake Kohno (Tokyo/IPMU)
Alessandro Tomasiello (Harvard)
Misha Verbitsky (ITEP)


Gil Cavalcanti (Utrecht)
Akira Fujiki (Osaka)
Ryushi Goto (Osaka)
Geo Grantcharov (Florida)
Dmitry Kaledin (Moscow)
Ulf Lindstrom (Uppsala)
Luca Martucci (Munich)
Liviu Ornea (Bucharest)
Martin Rocek (Stony Brook)
Dan Waldram* (Imperial College)

(*) - to be confirmed
Workshop Summary

Kahler structures are essential for the study of complex manifolds. Since the advent of supersymmetry, many new kinds of special metrics on complex manifolds were discovered. The Kahler torsion metrics, hyperkahler torsion structures and generalized Kahler structures retain many properties of Kahler structures, and became a focus of much collaboration between physicists and mathematicians. These special structures, originally invented by physicists, turned out to be very useful in the study of complex manifolds. We aim to bring together physicists and mathematicians working in Hermitian geometry, generalized complex geometry, and supersymmetry, to discuss the advances and perspectives of generalized complex geometry and related structures.

The workshop talks start on the morning of Monday, January 5-th and finish in the evening of Thursday 8 January. Limited support for speakers is available, please send an e-mail to Misha Verbitsky or Alessandro Tomasiello if you want to attend the workshop and give a talk.

Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe