Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Complex analytic spaces
Sala 236, Mondays 13:30-15:00, Wednesdays 17:00-18:30, March-November 2023
Course materials
- Part 1: Differential forms and Cauchy theorem
- Part 2: Complex manifolds, sheaves, complex analytic spaces.
- Part 3: Weierstrass preparation theorem.
- Part 4: Ring of germs and their algebraic properties
- Part 5: Galois theory.
- Part 6: Rückert Nullstellensatz.
- Part 7: Smooth and singular points, dimension, finite morphisms.
- Reading:
- Robert C. Gunning, Hugo Rossi, Analytic functions of several complex variables, Sections IIIA, IIIB.
- Normalization and finite dependence:
- M. F. Atiyah, I. G. MacDonald,
"Introduction to Commutative Algebra" ,
Chapter 5.
- B. L. van der Waerden, J. R. Schulenberger, Algebra, Volume II,
Chapter 17.
- J.-P. Demailly, Complex analytic and differential geometry,
Chapter II, section 7.
- Slides:
- Handout 8: Smooth points and meromorphic maps
- Handout 9: Divisors and the maximum principle
- Handout 10: Finite morphisms
- Part 8: Remmert and Remmert-Stein theorem.
- Part 9: Zariski main theorem.
- Part 10: Normalization
- Reading:
- Robin Hartshorne,
Algebraic Geometry, Ch. II, Section 3, Exercise 3.8.
- Gert-Martin Greuel, Christoph Lossen, Eugenii I. Shustin,
Introduction to singularities and deformations,
Ch. I, Section 1.8
- Grauert H., Remmert R.,
Coherent analytic sheaves, Chapter 8.
- Lecture 22: The integral
(October 23).
- Lecture 23:
Normalization of complex algebraic varieties
(October 25).
- Lecture 24:
(October 30).
- Lecture 25:
Locally bounded meromorphic functions
(November 1).
- Part 11: Holomorphic convexity and Stein manifolds
Class assignment results, for main assignments (updated)
- Exam problems
- Personal problem sets, obtained
randomly with this program.
- Final results (pending)