Misha Verbitsky
Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Commutative Algebra
15:00-17:00, Mondays, Fridays - Sala 232, Thursdays - Aud. 2, January-February 2022
Lecture 1:
Algebraic sets and Hilbert Nullstellensatz
(January 3).
Lecture 2:
Categories and Hilbert Nullstellensatz
(January 6).
Lecture 3:
Strong Nullstellensatz
(January 7).
Lecture 4:
Noetherian rings
(January 10).
Lecture 5:
Primary decomposition
(January 13).
Lecture 6:
The ring of $G$-invariants is finitely generated
(January 14).
Lecture 7:
Tensor product of $R$-modules
(January 17).
Lecture 8:
Tensor product of rings
(January 21).
Lecture 9:
Yoneda lemma and the fibered product
(January 24).
Lecture 10:
Tensor product of field extensions
(January 27).
Lecture 11:
Primitive element theorem
(January 28).
Lecture 12:
Normal varieties
(January 31).
Lecture 13:
Gauss Lemma and normalization
(February 3).
Lecture 14:
Nakayama lemma
(February 4).
Lecture 15:
Finite quotient and branched covers
(February 7).
Lecture 16:
Noether normalization lemma
(February 10).
Lecture 17:
Krull dimension and algebraic dimension
(February 11).
Lecture 18:
Discrete valuation rings
(February 14).
Lecture 19:
Discrete valuation rings (2)
(February 17).
Lecture 20:
Dedekind rings
(February 18).
Lecture 21:
Smooth points in complex varieties
(February 21).
Lecture 22:
Hilbert polynomials
(February 24).
Lecture 23:
Regular rings and smooth varieties
(February 25).
Other materials
Assignment 1:
Zorn lemma (January 6)
Assignment 2:
Applications of Axiom of Choice (January 6)
Assignment 3:
Noetherian rings (January 10)
Assignment 4:
Tensor product (January 17)
Assignment 5:
Factorial rings (January 27)
Assignment 6:
Limits and colimits (January 28)
Assignment 7:
Yoneda lemma (February 3)
Assignment 8:
Exercises in divisibility (February 7)
Exam problems
Personal problem sets
, obtained randomly with
this program.
Final results (pending).
Misha Verbitsky