Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Complex Surfaces
Announcement and literature.
- Lecture 1:
Kodaira-Enriques classification for non-algebraic surfaces, 06.01.2025
- Lecture 2:
Hopf manifolds and Vaisman manifolds, 08.01.2025
- Lecture 3:
Chern connection, 10.01.2025
- Lecture 4:
Locally conformally Kähler manifolds: definition and examples, 13.01.2025
- Lecture 5:
Locally conformally Kähler manifolds in terms of local systems, 15.01.2025
- Lecture 6:
Vaisman theorem, 17.01.2025
- Lecture 7:
Elliptic operators of second orfer, 22.01.2025
- Lecture 7 bis:
Elliptic operators, a supplementary lecture (for home reading).
- Lecture 8:
Adjoint operators, 24.01.2025
- Lecture 9:
The index theorem, 27.01.2025
- Lecture 10:
Gauduchon metrics, 29.01.2025
- Lecture 11:
Bott-Chern cohomology and defect of a complex surface, 31.01.2025
- Lecture 12:
First cohomology of a complex surface, 03.02.2025
- Lecture 13:
Currents, 05.02.2025
Other materials